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Booking DEMO Instructions

bookingARTIO Booking is an universal Joomla component for online bookings and reservations. Allows bookings of one or more objects, with reservation overviews using month, week and day layouts.

To learn more about component features, check the Book-it homepage.

Demo Instructions

Disclaimer: Please note that this demo is publicly available. In case you enter your personal or other sensitive data, they may be accessible to other people. We cannot be held responsible for misuse of such data. Therefore, only enter testing data, that are not sensitive.

Front-end DEMO

For demonstration of the Book-it! front-end capabilities, we have prepared several usage examples from different areas.

Back-end Management DEMO

You can also see how the administration this Booking and Reservation extension looks like.

To do so, you need to go to Administration and log-in using the credentials below:
username: com_booking, password: demo

Back-end interface includes:

  • Object Templates Management
  • Objects Management
  • Reservations Management
  • etc.